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Why is Cremation important – Why We Follow This Custom?

Cremation is the combustion, oxidation, and vaporization of cadavers to the basic chemical compounds such as ashes, gases and mineral fragments retaining the appearance of dry bone. It may serve as a funeral or post-funeral rite as an alternative to the interment of an intact dead body in a coffin or basket. Cremation is the burning of the human body until its soft parts are destroyed by fire. It is the irreversible process because it involves subjecting the body to a high temperature to reduce it into basic elements. In a crematorium, the complete process takes two to three hours’...

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3 Factors to Look Into Before Buying Cremation Urns

3 Factors to Look Into Before Buying Cremation Urns

A cremation urn is a very important and integral part of the cremation process. When you are looking to buy a cremation urn, you can come across a wide range of choices which you might not have thought before. Also, as cremation is an important last-stage process, you should be very careful selecting one factoring in all the important related aspects. So, here are the things that you should look into when buying cremation urns: Urn StorageThere can be multiple choices of places where you could be storing your urn. If the urn will be stored in a funeral home...

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3 Must-Have Supplies and Items Every Funeral Home & Mortuary Must Have

When you are operating a mortuary or a funeral home, you know that are working in death care industry and therefore have to be extra careful in arranging the process and items specific to meet the requirements of the clients, as well as ensure timely process. There are several things that a mortuary or funeral must have, whether there is a normal death case, an accidental death or else. Here, we list down some key items every mortuary and funeral home must have: Mortuary StretchersThe stretchers are essential to transport the body bags from one point to another, and are...

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4 Funeral Myths You Need to Stop Believing From This Moment

Dealing with death of end of life care for a loved one can be a stressful and emotional time. However, there are some necessary steps that need to be taken in accordance with the culture and religion to properly bid bye to the deceased one. Funeral is an obligatory process. But over the years, outside influences have led to some myths and made-up theories about this final step in a person’s journey. Here, we list down some common myths related to funerals which you must avoid believing: Embalming is MandatoryNowhere in the law it is stated that embalming the body...

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